Monday, March 4, 2019

Microdermabrasion: We explain this Simple Deep Exfoliating Process

There are myriad of specialized facials and skin care procedures that offer brighter, younger radiant and firmer skin, but here’s why microdermabrasion is favorite for girls who have to look high-definition photo ready.
What is Microdermabrasion?
Microdermabrasion is a method of exfoliation that uses crystals to buff away the upper layer of the skin while simultaneously vacuuming up the dead skin cells, oil, debris and other impurities trapped in your pores through suction. There are many benefits of microdermabrasion, it wards off the dull skin, reduces acne and pore size, fades scars and spots, and smoothes skin texture, softens fine lines and stimulates cell turnover and the creation of collagen. Microdermabrasion also allows for greater penetration of skin products and creates a flawless canvas for make up to be applied smoothly.

Types of Microdermabrasion
Crystal and non-crystal, there are two types. There’s hardly any advantage to the patient from the use of one method to the other, it just depends on the expert performing the treatment or the patient’s needs. Crystal microdermabrasion blasts tiny crystals across the skin surface and non-crystal uses a rough or diamond –tipped disc to slough the skin.
Microdermabrasion vs. Dermaplaning
Wondering if you try dermaplaning instead of microdermabrasion? Although both are the forms of physical exfoliation, but methods are very different. Dermaplaning uses 10 gauge scalpels to scrap off the top layer of skin gently and safely that is why it is well suited for dry skin. Microdermabrasion on the other hand, sands and suctions the dead skin cells which helps uproot the clogged pores around various areas of the skin.

Who is it for?
Microdermabrasion is well suited to all the skin types, however it shold not be performed on active acne. If you have those, wait until the breakouts are clear before trying this treatment. Also take care if you have any allergies or skin sensitivities. Its best treatment for pregnant women as it is totally non-invasive and free from chemicals.
Microdermabrasion done at spa or home offers equal amount of benefits. So you can go for hassle free at-homemicrodermabrasion using Dermanew Microdermabrasion Creams that offers incredible results. 

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